Does Christianity can bring a life-changing event in your life? If so, the book entitled The Calvary Road by Roy Hession is the book that you really need to know more about the deeper meaning of Christianity, a life with Jesus dwelling in your heart.

The Calvary Road is about exploring Christianity. It will help us more to know what Christianity is. It provides us a deeper out look about our life as a Christian who definitely needs Jesus in our lives.

I can really relate to this book because what Mr. Roy Hession says about how God will make you experience brokenness, happened in my life. I experience brokenness when my father died four years ago. It made me believe that God does not really exist. It came to the point that even my relationship with my present fiancé was greatly affected. Then I realized that you really need Jesus to be in control of your life when a college friend of mine introduced Jesus in my life. Chapter one is about brokenness and I learned a lot from it. “The Lord Jesus cannot live in us fully and reveal Himself through us until the proud self within us is broken”, this struck me the most because I do admit my pride consumed me when I still didn’t accept Jesus back then. On the other hand, the chapter about the speck and the plank made me realize, how can I disciple someone if I, my self still commit sin. It gave me a scratch on my head, “ now I understand”. The other part of the book where it gave me an upper cut is when Roy Hession described the Pharisees as our selves making God a liar. Now as Christ dwells in our lives, sometimes we lift our own chair to God. We think that the outward abstinence from certain sins is all that God requires from us but really look into our hearts.

The Calvary Road is a classic book which I firmly believe one of the best books I had ever read. It will make you pause for a while because it will definitely lead you to a life of victory with Jesus Christ.